Sunday, 27 July 2014

How To Allow Multiple Concurrent Users Log In Windows 8/ Windows Server 2012 through Remote Desktop

How To Allow Multiple Concurrent Users Log In Windows 8/ Windows Server 2012 through Remote Desktop

Here is what you get if you are trying to log 2 or more accounts into one Windows 8 machine at the same time:

Basically, it's telling you that you can switch users while still keeping all users' data alive but you can only access one user account at any given time.

But here is a tweaking tool that can alter this setting to literally allow unlimited concurrent user access, through remote desktop connection.

Before you do, create a system restore point or back up termsrv.dll file in c:\windows\system32 folder, just in case something goes wrong along the way.

You will require to download "Windows 8 Patcher.exe" file from net.

Save all your work, and double click the file to launch the patcher, which applies the patch to the termsrv.dll file and automatically restarts your computer in 8 seconds.

All done and ready to rock after the reboot. A fairly simple and painless process.

Now, let's test. I fired up my laptop and launched RDP client twice and was able to connect to this patched Windows 8 computer with two different user accounts I previously set up. It works like a charm.

So what kind of magic this patcher did to make this happen? Basically, it did two things, one to patch the termsrv.dll to allow multi-concurrent users to log in, and one to make two registry changes to allow the TS connection in.

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\

fDenyTSConnections (DWORD) = 0
fSingleSessionPerUser (DWORD) = 0


Sameer Naik

Microsoft Certified System Engineer

MCSE ID # 3310894 | 7747203

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