Creativity means uniqueness, bringing into being something new. The opposite of creativity is conformity where a child is expected to do things only in the way she has been tonight.
Children are creative by nature. Parents encourage or discourage their natural creativity in the ways that they relate to them.
How to encourage creativity: –
Encourage creative thinking right from the beginning. A toddler may jabber away about factually wrong things like a train flying, etc – resist the temptation to correct him. Let him think freely.
•Foster a sense of independence – if your child is dependent upon your approval and permission for everything, she will always follow the rules and stifle her own creative impulses.
•Encourage the child to take responsibility for her mistakes and actions.
•Believe that making mistakes is an essential part of learning and teach your children the same belief.
•Teach tolerance and openness to new experiences and the unfamiliar.
•Teach self-confidence and the ability to follow through on her own instincts.
•Encourage a child to think critically and ask the question why?
•Encourage her to dream big.
•Teach children how to make their dreams come true through hard work and setting of realistic goals. Praise liberally for all achievements.
•Encourage fantasy play, story writing or any talent the child might have.
•Teach persistence through praise, encouragement and example.
•Many creative children tend to be loners.
How to encourage creativity: –
•Foster the love of reading as it helps develop the imagination and also helps to expose the child to as yet unknown worlds.
•Discourage TV and computer games, creativity flourishes in the absence of there.
•Accept that creativity is also expressed in mischief and doing things that you may disapprove of.
•Avoid comparisons.
•Don't ignore their persistent questions of why & how?
•Don't teach safety at the cost of exploration and natural curiosity.
•Spend time with your children.
•Don't insist on conformity with all rules or doing things in only one 'proper' way or 'best way'.
•Don't ridicule or put down her creative efforts.
•Don't teach children to devalue their own opinions and judgements by saying things like 'you're too young to know'.
•Don't talk down regularly to a child.
•Don't rush to constantly entertain them. Let them play on their own. Allow them to work out solutions to games, puzzles by themselves. Praise the effort, not just the result.
•Don't create stereotypes for your children by using gender or age
•Set a good example.
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