The term poultry applies to a wide variety of bird species like chicken (domestic fowl), duck, turkey, geese, pigeon, guinea fowl, pheasants, quail and other game birds. In India, poultry, is very often used as synonymous to chicken as they are more commonly found in our country and are of great importance for meat and egg. Chicken, and upto certain extent, ducks are kept for commercial production of both eggs and meat. Turkey, guinea fowl, geese and others are maintained for meat.
Chicken, accounts for more than 90% of the total poultry population of the country. Jungle fowls arc believed to be the ancestors of modem domestic breeds which are still found in some parts of India. Paradoxically, almost all the domestic breeds have been developed elsewhere and not in their home tract.
II. Poultry Farming: A lucrative Enterprise
Poultry gives good returns for the amount invested, lime and energy spent and labour involved. Some of lhe advantages of poultry keeping are discussed here.
1. Requires minimum investment to start with In comparison to other livestock, poultry farming requires less investment to start the farming on commercial scale. Agricultural labourers, marginal and small farmers, will profit adequately if they start this business on a small scale. The average investment on fixed capital and total cost of rearing 100 chicks to the point of lay, works out to be Rs 10,000 only. The layers start laying at 18 months for one year. The normal economic life of a bird is therefore 18 months after which it is sold as a bird meat. The broiler can be sold at 6 weeks when it attains a live weight of approximately 1.250 kg. As per 1990 data, for 200 birds per cycle of 6 weeks amounting to 8 cycles, the investment is only Rs 9,000.
2. Rapid return or profit Chicken start laying eggs when they are about 6 to 8 months of age and broilers get ready to be marketed for poultry meat at the age between 6 to 10 weeks. As the interval between the poultry generations is very short, it is possible to bring about a phenomenal increase in poultry production in short interval. For example, starting with a set of pullet and a cockerel, it is possible to produce 2,500 commercial pullets within 40 months which in turn can lay half a million eggs within 18 months. In term of high quality protein, it would amount to 3 tonnes.
3. Feed conversion efficiency Broilers have a very good feed conversion ratio. This implies that broilers are capable of producing the maximum possible amount of food for us but themselves utilize only a small quantity of feed. Table 1 shows the quantity of feed required in kilogram to produce 1 kg of product. Nine kg of feed is required to produce 1 kg of beef, but it takes only 1.1 kg of feed to produce 1 litre of milk. 2.1 -2.3 kg of feed is required by a broiler to produce 1 kg of broiler meat Broilers thus have a high feed conversion efficiency.
4. Poultry provides a continuous source of income Poultry is not a seasonal industry but gives a good income throughout the year with minimum labour and expenditure. Moreover, the farmer also starts getting returns very early, as layers start laying at their, age of 6-8 months. Broilers start paying within 6 to 10 weeks. the farmers can take good care of poultry and earn a substantial income from eggs, meat, feathers and manure.
5. Farming requires small space Poultry requires minimum space with modem confinement rearing and may be profitably reared in the backyard of homes. A big compound or a large open space is not essential. Each bird requires as little as 1 sq ft by a deep liner system and even less in case of cages and battery systems.
6. Water requirements are less Unlike the land cultivation or dairy farming, poultry farming requires very little water both for drinking and cleaning purposes. One litre of water will be sufficient for 5 birds in a day.
7. Stabilize farm income Farmers may experience crop failures due to un favourable weather conditions or for other reasons. Poultry raising as a side business will tend to stabilize farm income. It helps the farmers in other ways too. For example, it gives subsidiary income, supplies fertilizers at no extra cost, cleans the crops from pests and worms, utilizes waste products and provides off- season employment.
8. Poultry feeds do not compete with human food Poultry is capable of utilizing large quantities of by-products like bran, substandard grains and vegetables profitably. A regular laying hen converts vegetable proteins into valuable animal proteins with an efficiency which is perhaps the highest among all domestic animals. The birds when put on stubbles (in newly harvested fields) will pick up the grains which would otherwise go waste. Similarly, if they are put on the threshing and winnowing floors after the operations are over, nothing will be wasted. Large quantities of agro-industrial by-products are utilized by poultry, thus converting all such waste materials into valuable edible products.
9. Employment opportunities Poultry farming offers opportunities for full time or part-time employment to men, women, children and elderly people on the farm operation. No hard labour is required for a poultry unit. Poultry is easy to manage since the birds arc docile. Poultry farming also provides indirect employment to the people with regard to transportation and distribution among the consumers. It supports l ancillary industries like feed mixing units, poultry equipment manufacturers, hatcheries, chicken processing units etc.
10. Poultry gives rich fertilizer Poultry manure is an extremely rich source of nitrogen and organic material. Hence they are highly regarded as fertilizer. A laying hen produces about 220 g of fresh droppings (75% moisture) every day. The poultry droppings are higher in nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium content than cow dung, as is evident from table 1.
Table:1: Average nutrient content of poultry dropping compared with other manures Percentage :-
The manure may also be in the form of used, old, built-up litters which are cleaned either yearly or once in two years. This litter is a balanced fertilizer containing 3% nitrogen, 2% phosphorus, 2% potash and humus. One tonne (10 quintals) of litters, produced by 40 layers in a year, is equivalent to about 140 kg of ammonium sulphate, 125 kg of super phosphate and 45 kg of potassium. This fertilizer is sufficient to cultivate one acre of paddy and half an acre of vegetables profitably.
In the case of young crops, the birds can be let loose in the field when the crop is one foot high. They will not only enrich the field with their droppings, but will also eat the worms and insects affecting the crop.
11. Usefulness of poultry feathers
Poultry feathers can be steamed and convened into feather meal, bringing an added income. Feathers are also used for making pillows, fancy articles and curios.
III. Nutritive Value of Egg and Chicken Meat
Poultry fanning is not only appealing for its economic benefit but also praiseworthy for its nutritive value. To promote poultry farming, S. B. Chauhan, the Union Finance Minister in 1989 proposed to provide tax exemption to the income from poultry fanning at the rate of 33.33% of such income. It is not merely to improve the viability of the poultry fanners but must also be seen as a vital tool to build a healthier nation. Considering the state of malnutrition in India, where 60-70% of the population consume less than the minimum requirement of protein and calories, which leads to protein-calorie imbalance and consequently health problems, specially in growing children, it is about time that something worthwhile is done to supplement the diet with affordable protein.
Egg can be the answer to this increasing problem. It is the finest of all known sources of protein and is easily digestible. Egg can be eaten any time of the year or day, with any meal, by young or old, men or women, healthy or sick. There is a misconception among some people that egg is a non-vegetarian diet The hen lays fertile eggs only after mating with a cock. She lay eggs on its own without the cock. These eggs are infertile and cannot develop a chick. Thus the poultry farm eggs are all infertile and can be used in the vegetarian diet as the fertile eggs are obviously kept for multiplying the poultry in the farm. Even Mahatma Gandhi felt that those who can take milk should have no objection to taking sterile eggs.
The edible portion of the egg is made up of the yolk and the albumen. Table 2 shows the percentage composition of the egg.
A hen's egg weighs on an average 57 g, gives about 51 g of food material consisting of 18 g of yolk and 33 g albumen. Table 3 gives the chemical composition of the egg.
Table 2: Percentage Composition of Egg :-
Table 3: Chemical Composition of Egg (Percentage):-
The egg contains only 1 % of carbohydrate of the total egg contents, but from the standpoint of caloric content, a medium size egg supplies about 90 Kcal of energy to our body. The other nutrients present include proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. 50% of the total protein is found in the albumen, followed by 44% in the yolk and the rest in shell and shell membrane. Egg protein is an excellent source of nine essential amino acids. Most of the minerals and vitamins are found in the yolk of the egg. Similarly 99% of the fat is also present in the yolk.
IV. History of Poultry Development in India
Today poultry industry is the fastest growing sector of India's agriculture. To get the full impact of its rapid escalation, it would be interesting to trace the evolution of poultry development in India.
In the East, poultry keeping dates back to very early times. As mentioned earlier, India and the neighboring countries are considered to be the original home of the jungle fowl, from which the domestic birds have descended. From India, it is said to have migrated westward reaching Greece in 525 BC. During the Iranian invasion these birds were carried to Palestine from where they slowly trickled into several parts of Europe including Italy, and then managed to reach the British Isles. By the beginning of the Christian era, it had widely spread over the western parts of Asia and eastern parts of Europe from where it is reported to have gradually made its way to other countries including Australia, America, Russia and Japan.
The multi-coloured fowls were the earliest poultry reared by the hill tribes and other people. The jungle fowls were very small in size and laid only about 30 eggs per year. No care was taken regarding their housing, feeding and disease control. The fowls usually picked up what was available on the ground such as waste grains, grass seeds and insects, escaped from predators by flying off and slept mostly on trees, roof tops or lofts in huts. The Aseel, a famous Indian breed, was highly prized by lovers of cock fighting all over the world.
The Christian Missionaries were the first to start a scientific poultry farming in India, towards the beginning of the 20th century. The first mission poultry farm was established in Etah, U.P. in 1912 and the first poultry exhibition was held at Lucknow in December 1912. The exotic breeds were far superior in terms of performance to those of the desi fowls.
Poultry farming was mostly a backyard venture upto 1957. The first organized effort to develop poultry was made in that year when second Five Year Plan was launched. Rs 2.8 crores was sanctioned by the government to develop poultry. An All India Poultry Development Project was initiated wherein regional centres were set up at Bangalore, Bombay, Bhubaneshwar, Delhi and Simla to acclimatize good quality stock under their respective agro- climatic conditions. Their functions were also included promoting poultry farming extensively and provide training facilities to the officers of the neighboring states. Day old chicks of White Leghorn and Rhode Island breeds from reputed breeding farms in USA were imported as a foundation stock. Along with it all the necessary equipments were also imported. Besides, 269, poultry extension cum development centres, each with a unit of 100 layers of improved breeds were set up in different parts of the country. The period between the second and the fourth Five Year Plans was actually the turning point in the history of the poultry industry in the country. Intensive Poultry)' Development Programme was introduced in Third Five Y-ear Plan to provide all the essential inputs and services to local farmers in the form of a package deal. Along with the poultry boom, the growing menace of poultry diseases had also to be tackled in this period, leading to the inclusion of poultry science as a, subject in the Agricultural Universities.
The middle and late seventies recorded a tremendous progress in the poultry industry. Central Avian Research Institute, Izatnagar, near Bareilly (U.P.) was established in 1979 to provide strong research support to the poultry industry both in the public as well as private sector. The poultry production had risen to 6,500 million, broilers to 30 million and eggs to 13,000 million amounting to 400%, 650% and 50% increase respectively. Some of the factors which flavoured the growth and development of the poultry farming in the country were:
1. small initial investment
2. short generation interval of poultry as compared to other' livestock
3. availability of quality chicks
4. quick, assured and better returns compared to other livestock species
5. availability of trained manpower
6. better understanding and knowledge of the improved and scientific methods of feeding, management and health control
7. easy loan facilities
8. poultry's nutritive value and economic feasibility.
V. Poultry Industry in Eighties
In the last four decades, poultry has come a long way from a backyard venture of the 'fifties to the modem, sophisticated dynamic agro-industry of today. A gradual increase in consumer acceptance of poultry meat and eggs have further strengthened its position. There are chances of its replacing the other animal protein sources in the coming years.
The poultry situation in India will be more clear with the following statistical description.
A. Distribution of poultry and poultry population
The Hyderabad -Secunderabad poultry packet is the biggest in the country and accounts for over one-third of the total egg production in Andhra Pradesh. In Hyderabad pocket alone, hybrid layers are estimated to have increased from 6.5 million in 1988 to 7.7 million in 1989. Other pockets like Bombay -Pune -Nasik and Sangli -Miraj in Maharahtra. Bangalore -Mysore in Kamataka, Namakkal -Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu, Gurgaon -Yamunanagar in Haryana, Valsad - Kheda in Gujarat, and Ajmer in Rajasthan have shown similar scale of expansion. Punjab and Delhi are the only ones where no improvement has been recorded. Incidently, the largest egg farm is reported to be housing 350,000 layers near Pathankot in Punjab.
Broiler production was mainly confined to the northern and western regions which together accounted for 70% of the total output in early eighties. But in 1988. over 70% of the broiler production was from Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Kamataka, Punjab, Tamil Nadu and Haryana in the order of production. Some of the biggest broilers farms in the country, having the capacity to produce 10,000 to 20,000 broilers per week, are located in the Bombay-Pune area in Maharashtra. The southern regions too have expanded rapidly from 4 million in 1980 to 64 million in 1988, unlike the eastern region where intensive commercial poultry is restricted to a few pockets in West Bengal.
The duck is second in importance to chicken. West Bengal is leading in duck production followed by Assam, Bihar, Manipur, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Tripura and Jammu & Kashmir. The Central Duck Breeding Farm (CDBF) at Hessarghatta near Bangalore was set up by the Government of India in mid seventies for supplying highly productive duck strains to the State Government Poultry farms which in turn supply them to rural farmers. In the same vein, the Tamil Nadu Poultry Development Corporation Ltd. (TAPCO) in Madras has taken initiative in popularizing quail production in the State.
Table 4: Statewise Poultry Population, 1982:-
B. Production and consumption
The growth of the layer and broiler parent stock can be estimated from table 5
Table 5: Layer Vs. Broiler Parent Stock(In Thousand):-
The trend in the growth of the layer and broiler parent stock shows a steady rise in the broiler production, while the rise in the layer stock is very minimal. In India, broiler farming had a slow and laboured start in 1970. Faster development started only since 1975. In 1987, broiler have indisputably overtaken layers.
1. Broilers
In poultry production, broiler today occupies the pride of place. Its annual production in the eighties has seen a phenomenal expansion as evident from table 6
Table 6: Annual production and per capita availability ,of eggs, broilers and poultry meat. 1951 to 1990
In India, broilers have made better progress than any other livestock species mainly due to the entrepreneurship of poultry farmers, and research and developmental thrust by the Government and industry. Andhra Pradesh accounted for 29 million broilers in 1988, which was expected to go up to around 30-35 million in 1990. The state-wise broiler production is given in table 7.
Table 7: Estimated broiler production (statewise) 1988-89 :-
The share of poultry meat in the total meat production has also increased from 10% to 20% in 20 years time. In India. acceptance of broilers in relation to mutton, beef and pork is growing for economic reasons, as the traditional meat sources are shrinking and their prices are spiraling. Production of different meats and contribution is given in table 8.
Table 8: Production of different meats and their contribution to total meat in India:-
During a five year period from 1980 to 1985, the contribution of poultry meat to total meat has increased from 13% to 15.25%, while such high increase was not noticed in any other meat This clearly shows that poultry alone is in a position to meet the demand of. ever increasing population. But the feat is yet to be achieved. The National Institute of Nutrition recommends a per capita .consumption of 10.8 kg per year. Taking into account meat from all sources, the per capita availability amounts to 1.5 kg per year, of which poultry meat is estimated to be 400 g per year (20% of all meats). But this is dismally low, when compared to the per capita availability of 2.5 kg/year for developing countries and 15.6 kg for developed countries. In fact, one Arab eats as many broilers as 350 Indians do. Availability of poultry meat is shown in table 9.
Table 9: Per capita availability of poultry meat :-
To increase the per capita availability of poultry meat by a mere 30 g, around 20 million more broilers would have to be raised for the current population of 800 million. But the industry sources are confident that the broilers output would reach the level of 450 million in the next five ye ars.
The demand and consumption pattern analysis for the different States shows that Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Punjab (classified as Region I) in the North has the highest per capita production and availability of broilers, being 36 million and 680 g respectively in 1988. This is because of the higher income levels and a larger number of people who prefer non- vegetarian food. Andhra Pradesh is the largest broiler producing state, though the per capita availability is lesser than Region. The Industrial sources feel that given proper financial and marketing support, it may well become the 'chicken bowl of India'. In Maharashtra, the per capita availability is 380 g, but the State leads the country in terms of modernization, sophistication of broiler production, processing and marketing. Bihar, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh (Region II) is a highly deficit area in production and per capita availability of broiler. When almost half the country's population, it accounts for less than 10% of the total broiler production. The southern and the eastern States have moderate annual broiler production and per capita availability with 38 million and 290 g, and 23 million and 245 g respectively.
2. Eggs
The growth in the egg production sector has not been as remarkable as that of the broiler production in the eighties though the production was more than double as compared to the decade of seventies. The annual output of broilers has multiplied six fold in the eighties and is expected to cross the 200 million mark in 1989, whereas the annual egg production would reach a level of 22,880 million. Thus the annual growth rate is 20% for the broilers and only 10% for the eggs. Table 10 gives the egg production since 1961.
Table 10: Estimated laying stock and egg production, 1961-90 (In million) :-
The overall egg production, including eggs of ducks and other poultry species in 1988 was 20,800 million and is estimated to be 22,880 million in 1989 and 25,200 million in 1990. Though there has been an unprecedented growth in egg production since 1961 and India today ranks as the world's fifth largest egg producing countries preceded by China, USSR, USA and Japan but in terms of per capita availability it ranks amongst the lowest. The per capita availability of eggs since 1971 is shown in table 11.
Table 11: Per capita availability of eggs in India
The per capita availability of eggs per year is less than 30. This level of consumption is dismally low, even when compared to the neighbouring countries like Sri Lanka with per capita consumption of 40 eggs and China about 100 eggs. The National Institute of Nutrition recommends a per capita consumption of 180 eggs, and per annum for nutritional requirements. Here too, India's per capita eggs consumption falls far below the requirement.
But a positive sign in this direction is the steady rise in the per capita egg availability. Since 1951 it has gone up by more than 5 times, while the annual egg production has actually increased by more than 10 times.
Almost 75% of the country's egg production comes from seven states namely Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Punjab, Kerala and Karnataka. These states account for a little more than 40% of the country's total human population. The hybrid layer population in 1989 is estimated to be 96 million. Significantly, the bulk of this increase has come in the second half of the decade. The distribution of layers in the four regions shows that the southern region dominates with 48.4%, followed by the northern region 22.2%, western region 15% and eastern and central , region with 14.4%. Likewise, the egg production in the various states will be clear from table 12.
Table 12: Annual table egg production statewise, 1985 to1989 million
Andhra Pradesh leads with 4.5 billion eggs. But the recent I study shows that the availability of eggs for consumption and per i capita egg consumption are deficient in both urban (78 per annum) as well as rural areas (46.8 per annum) of Andhra Pradesh, though it still is much better than the Indian average.
It would be interesting to note that. of the per capita annual expenditure on food which works out to be Rs 780, around 1 % is spent on egg consumption. It is estimated that almost 60% of the population can afford to spend part of the income on egg, provided they are sold at a reasonable price and consumers are made aware of its value.
C. Poultry by-products
One of the problems in the poultry industry today is the improper disposal of an increasing volume of poultry slaughter house wastes, produced in the course of dressing over 300 million birds per year. The quantity of poultry wastes presently produced is estimated at 1,20,000 tonnes per year at the current level of production. The slaughtering operations are conducted manually and scattered all over the country. It is estimated that poultry waste will double during the next five years. To overcome this hazard, it is necessary to process the poultry wastes to recover economically valuable and protein rich by-products like blood meal, feather meal and meat meal to be recycled into livestock feed. For such a treatment, centralized slaughtering of birds has to be organized so that poultry offal in adequate quantities can be made available for rendering on a commercial scale.
Another useful by-product of poultry is the poultry manure. It is a mixture of faeces and urine excreted by poultry birds. The manure is very rich in plant nutrients and has a high fertilizer value. The average poultry manure composition is as follows: Nitrogen -1.0 -1.8%
Phosphate .1.4 -1.8%
Potash -0.8 -0.9%
It has been estimated that 40 laying birds produce about one tonne of poultry manure per year. It has already been discussed in detail under the heading "Poultry farming -A lucrative enterprise".
The poultry manure can also be recycled for use in cattle feed up to 50% of the concentrate ration. This is already being practiced in USA and other European countries, but not in vogue in India. The poultry manure is high in protein content. Table 18 on poultry manure composition identifies the various components and their amount present in the manure.
Table 13: Poultry manure composition :-
The manure is used rafter keeping it staked, about two metres high, for 3-4 weeks.. e heat thus generated, disinfects the manure and makes it fit for u in cattle ration. But its use in poultry feed is restricted because of the presence of uric acid in it, which is harmful for poultry.
D. Prospects and perspectives
Today poultry industry has reached a stage of sophistication. A network of over 500 commercial feed mills, veterinary pharmaceuticals and equipment manufacturers has made poultry farming a dynamic agricultural business. These commercial activities have been duly supported by Research and Development back-up from various educational and research institutions.
A high quality poultry feed gives a proportionately much higher production and helps in minimizing incidence of disease out breaks. Better quality poultry feed, together with improved management practices has resulted in a higher egg production from 180 to 260 eggs per bird, in the years between 1965 to 1988.
Credit has been an essential input that has contributed to the growth of intensive poultry production. All commercial banks provide credit to the extent of 75-80% of the required investment For those projects involving an outlay of over Rs I lakh, refinance facilities provided by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). For poultry cooperatives, the credit is provided by National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC). For families having an income of less than Rs 6000 per year, a subsidy of upto Rs 3000 is provided under the Integrated Rural Development Projects (IRDPs) for poultry projects with investment not exceeding to Rs 10,000.
The poultry industry has gone a step further with the setting up of the Institute of Poultry Management of India (IPMI) in Pune. This Institute trains farmers in poultry farm management techniques.
The contribution of livestock to the Gross National Product ! (GNP) was Rs 24,193 crores in 1986-87 (9.2% of the total GNP ' of Rs 260,680 crores). The value of output from poultry amounted to Rs 2,203 crores, accounting for 9.1% of the output from the livestock sector. The government investment in poultry in the first six Five Year-Plans amounted to Rs 97 crores against a total of Rs 1,584 for the livestock sector. This caIls for greater investment in government research and development efforts in the poultry sub sector.
A target of annual per capita consumption of 62 eggs and one kg poultry meat has been set for the year 2001 which amounts to production of 62 billion eggs and 800 million broilers.
VI. Poultry for the Poor
India's population of 850 million (in 1990), is the second largest in the world next to China. Out of this, some 500 million can just afford the bare essential commodities -food, clothes and shelter. Another 200 million do not even have that Three quarters of our population lives in 600,000 village in rural India. Although the place of urbanization has been accelerating, India will continue to remain largely rural based. A great majority of them are poor and poverty stricken and 61 % of the rural population is unemployed. Most of the rural poor are either small and marginal farmers or landless labourers.
Similarly, in the poultry sector, as much as 75% to 80% of all eggs and broilers produced in our country are channeled to the urban markets thus covering to only 25% of the total population. Statistics show that Over7,000 million eggs per year (about 35% of the country's total egg production) are distributed in the four metropolis and a few larger towns. Most of the rural areas are neglected because of the thin and widely scattered demand. For example, populous states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa and Rajasthan account for over 40% of country's population, but the per capita availability of egg is reported to be less than 10. Incidentally, these States also suffer from the specter of malnutrition.
Pressure on agricultural land is increasing year after year because of the fragmentation of land from generation to generation and also due to population explosion. Given this context, poultry farming provides an excellent means of diversification from the customary cultivation for the rural poor. Small scale poultry units have other advantages too.
1. Establishing poultry units not only generates employment to people who have started but also creates some employment to labourers and thus prevents to some extent the common exodus of people from rural to urban areas.
2. Ancillary industries like hatcheries, feed manufacturing units, pharmaceuticals, transports etc. aIso come up, creating further employment to many suitable persons and families of the locality.
3. It can supplement the farm income of many small and marginal farmers
4. Certain crop by-products are beneficially utilized. The poultry is well adapted to the conditions of the small and marginal farmers or the landless labourers.
5. It can improve the pattern of family diet. The nutritive level can go up even the rural areas once the consumption of poultry products start
6. It requires minimum investment and the returns are quick, as compared to other framing.
When compared to agriculture and other livestock, poultry definitely scores better. Unlike agriculture it does not depend on monsoon and requires much less land. Poultry farms can be easily established on wastelands such as drought prone and alkaline soils, therefore, it is recommended in such situations instead of cultivation of crops. Moreover, there is a better marketing set up for poultry as compared to other livestock produce.
All the poultry development programmes in the rural sector must necessarily start at the grass root level taking the rural poor into confidence and cater to their felt needs, making use of the resources available in the village itself. It is noticed that the villagers preferred country fowls or cross-bred fowls to exotic birds, because of the following reasons:
1. He does not need much money to purchase, house and feed them. They are available locally at a comparatively less price.
2. Very economical to maintain them, as they can live on pickings and kitchen or garden wastes.
3. They need very little care and are easy to manage.
4. Their eggs and meat are considered 'more' tasty and is better relished by local consumers.
5. They are mostly multicolored and not conspicuous. This way they get camouflaged in village surroundings and escape predators easily.
If the exotic birds are thrust upon them, they are accepted for the sake of initial profit because of the various incentives provided by the government or voluntary agencies, but give up these birds after some time. On the other hand, if the villager is helped to set up poultry units with country or crossbred birds, he not only enjoys eggs and meat. but makes a little extra income with the surplus. These small units cannot by themselves individually produce large number of eggs or chicken to meet the demand of nearby towns or cities. But it is not beyond their capacity to cater to the urban needs, if a number of such small scale units come together to form a rural cooperative society, thus avoiding interference from a middle man.
VII. Conclusion
Poultry farming is a viable business activity and has got immense scope for growth in India. Just as the decade of seventies saw an unprecedented growth in egg production and that of eighties in broiler production, the decade of nineties is expected to see the emergence of modem poultry processing as an ancillary industry. In the rural sector too, poultry farming is gaining in popularity as it provides some of the cheapest sources of protein rich food as well as serves as an avenue for enhancing the income of small and marginal rural farmers.
The development of poultry through the application of modem science and technology will greatly contribute to improving the socio-economic conditions of the poor farmers by making poultry farming more productive and remunerative. The introduction of better stock and efficient husbandry practices with an efficiently organized marketing system would make poultry a successful enterprise for Indian farmers.
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