Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Which is more powerful - money or knowledge

Which is more powerful - money or knowledge?

Well. . money makes the world go round.. you can buy knowledge with money.. so i think money is more powerful!

Knowledge is a way to money, and money is a way to further knowledge, and neither leads to power except when, in either case, the Will is present to give the impetus.

For me knowledge is more important. I prefer being clever than being rich.
But for the world, money is more powerful. That's kinda sad, though.

Your money can be taken away or be lost. Less likely with knowledge.

well, you have to have to knowledge to know how to invest the money properly. so, I would say I would like to have knowledge before I came into any big money.

Knowledge gains you money, and money buys you knowledge. Knowledge commands respect while money commands jealousy and greed. Money can cloud the mind but knowledge frees it.

Sadly, money. Anyone who has an abundance of money has the power to get others to do things for him, since power can be control or command over others . However, a man with alot of knowledge may be as insiginificant and unpowerful as the next poor man, only with an increased ability to manipulate and greater understanding of the world around him.

I think the question does not arise, because we need money even to acquire knowledge..... therefore all the power that knowledge has can be had only if money is there to acquire it.

You can make money with knowledge but if all you have is money, without the wisdom to use it wisely, you will end up with neither.

knowledge- what is the point of having money if you don't know what to do with it or how you can best use it

Knowledge. If you have knowledge, you'll know how to make money and the best things to spend it on. How to save money and how to invest it to make more. Knowledge or intelligence is the most powerful weapon. But there are two kinds of knowledge. Realised or practical knowledge and superficial knowledge, which is parrot fashion knowledge, you know what something is, but you cannot act upon it or put it into force or action. But true knowledge means, to know the difference between spirit and matter and the controller of both. And to fully understand our own position in relationship to that controller. Take care Best wishes. GOURANGA GOURANGA GOURANGA

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