The Agenda
Each day has a pre-set theme, and presentations are carefully curated to ensure that one talk builds upon another so you can leave Los Angeles with an executable plan.
Here's a quick breakdown of each day's theme:
DAY 1the focus is on new and emerging commerce models, and what's actually working today in ecommerce, digital publishing, and subscription commerce. Some "can't miss" sessions include:
- The Rise of Content & Commerce and why "blended" business models are the future of retail
- The Unbundling of Everything – Brand loyalty doesn't mean what it once meant... here's how your media or product brand can still appeal to today's fickle consumers
- Gated Commerce – Why traditional ecommerce stores are DEAD, and why that's a good thing for upstart retailers
- Selling Subscription – Whether it's premium content or a "box of the month," we'll cover how to get more people paying you monthly
- Be Like Amazon – How to beat the largest retailer in the world at their own game by modeling the things they do best... even on a fraction of their budget
DAY 2we shift to tactics, specifically methods for increasing your traffic and conversions. Some of the topics we'll cover include:
- The death of "interruption advertising" and what will almost certainly replace it...
- The "Squatty Potty Secret" to making even boring product videos go viral. (And no, it doesn't have to be poop-related.)
- Massive Mobile Optimization Tips... including the simple mobile header change that improved conversions by 14%.
- The Rise of Bots – How "conversational selling" could be the key to beating your competition... and Amazon
- Automated Email Followup Campaigns that nearly DOUBLE sales from the traffic and customers you're already getting
- How To Leverage Influencers to drive sales and grow your brand the right way
DAY 3is all about THE FUTURE. Together, we'll hop on a virtual time machine and discuss how bots, AI, virtual reality, augmented reality, and other emerging technologies will shape how products will be sold in the future. You'll also get a sneak peek at our next big project as we "open the kimono" on a new venture we're officially launching at the event.
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